2024-2025 Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Monday 2nd September | Inset Day |
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Tuesday 3rd September | School Opens to New Year 7’s (only) |
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Wednesday 4th September | School Opens to Years 7 and 11 (only) |
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Thursday 5th September | School Open to all Years |
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Friday 25th October | School Breaks up for Half Term |
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Monday 4th November | School Re-opens |
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Friday 6th December | Inset Day |
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Thursday 19th December | School Breaks up for Christmas (Finish at 12 Noon) |
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January | School Opens for Spring Term (1) |
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Friday 14th February | School Breaks up for Half Term |
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Monday 24th February | School Opens for Spring Term (2) |
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Friday 4th April | School Breaks up for Easter |
Summer Term 2025
Tuesday 22nd April | School Opens for Summer Term (1) |
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Monday 5th May | May Bank Holiday – School Closed |
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Friday 23rd May | School Breaks up for Half Term |
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Monday 2nd June | School Opens for Summer Term (2) |
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Friday 20th June | Inset Day |
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Friday 18th July | School Breaks up for Summer (Finish at 12 Noon) |
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Monday 21st | Inset Day |
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Tuesday 22nd | Inset Day |
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Wednesday 23rd | Inset Day |
*Please note – all dates may be subject to change. Should they change a communication will be issued as
soon as possible and our website amended.