Design Curriculum Overview
Welcome to Design at Noel-Baker Academy
“The art challenges the technology and the technology inspires the art’”
John Lasseter – Chief creative officer of Pixar
At Noel-Baker, pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced Art, Technology and Food curriculum which inspires and challenges pupils and builds upon prior knowledge.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils have a lesson of Art and a lesson of Technology every week. They will also have a lesson of food within the Technology rotation.
Our Art, Technology and Food curriculum for KS3 has been designed to sequentially teach students the skills and techniques necessary for them to become independent learners in this field. We aim to equip them with lifelong skills which are interchangeable skills applicable to many future roles.
Most projects within the Art, Technology and Food have a basis in drawing or a practical element, we then build upon these essential skills by introducing a wide range of techniques to both stimulate the students and prepare them for further studies. Lessons provide students with the opportunity to think creatively whilst learning a range of techniques and knowledge through drawing, exploring different media, making and food production methods.
The curriculum aims to develop students critical abilities and understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages through studying a diverse range of artists, designers and cultures throughout history. Additionally, it is hoped that students develop skills that open doors to the next level of education and beyond.
Year 7 Curriculum Overview
Typography: Visual communication – Signage
In this project, students are introduced to designer font styles to enhance their understanding of typography and communication design, aiming to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. Focused on creating laser-cut communication signs, the project emphasises collaboration and critical thinking, fostering a diverse skill set in font selection and manipulation.
Modern designer research informs their work, ensuring alignment with current trends. This dynamic platform allows students to display their own expressions while mastering the fusion of form and function in design.
Textiles: Culture – Day of the dead
Students will be introduced to the cultural festival of ‘Day of the Dead’, developing skills with observational drawing and practical hand sewing skills, as well as developing a critical, contextual and culture understanding. Students will look at Artist/Designers such as Davis Loueaz, to help their sugar skull charm.
Students will showcase their new skills and knowledge on Day of the Dead and produce a Calavera Skull Bag Charm, using a range of Textiles techniques and materials.
Food Technology
Introduction to Food technology: basic health and safety, equipment, tools and techniques.
· Health and safety
· Knife skills
· Cous Cous salad
· Apple crumble
· Sensory analysis – taste testing
· Bread
· Scone based pizza
· Sweet muffins
Year 8 Curriculum Overview
3D Design: Layers – Botanical ceramic tile
Ceramics enables pupils to express their creativity, which is essentially to expand who they are and how they connect to their selves and the environment.
This topic will benefit pupils of all abilities and will aid non-verbal self-expression, give pupils a sense of accomplishment whilst enhancing creativity.
Pupils will explore the natural world alongside inspirational designers and apply this to ceramic processes. The project will allow pupils to experiment a range of ceramic techniques such as, motif design, impressing, relief, engraving and glazing.
Textiles: Culture – Japanese wall hanging
Textiles provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences as well as teaching useful life skills. Students will explore this through the Japanese Culture and create a Wall hanging using the Japanese Sashiko technique.
Food Technology
Investigating ingredients, cooking techniques and culture commonly found in various parts of the world.
· Health and safety
· Small cakes practical
· Vegetable Samosas
· Macronutrients
· Bread
· Pizza pin wheels
· Theory
· Dutch apple cake
· Turkey burgers
Year 9 Curriculum Overview
3D Design – Cardboard construction
Students will develop an understanding of material and properties of cardboard and how to develop construction models, throughout the project students will focus on key designers Mike Leavitt and Marc O’Brien and how they have created design and concepts using cardboard. Students will develop a range of technical drawing skills to design realisation.
Through the modelling process it allows students to understand complex concepts and develop an understanding of principles and theories, Modelling this allows students to better visualise designs and allow a hands on learning experience and how designs are modelled and developed in industry prior to production.
Textiles – Fast fashion
In this unit of work students are introduced to the world of Fast fashion, students will develop an understanding of how the fashion industry works and how it is a global enterprise.
Through case studies students will look at case studies of current global manufacturers and consider sustainability and how they can reduce the global impact on textile waste.
Students will develop a denim product using recycled materials using and developing textile construction techniques.
Food Technology
Looking at, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices in meal planning, with a focus various cultural recipes including Asian cuisine.
· The eatwell guide
· Fajita practical
· Bacon and tomato pasta bake
· Cottage pie
· Dietary needs
· Lasagne
· Festival food design
· Spring roll practical
· Food science
· Thai curry practical
Year 10 – 3D Design Curriculum Overview
Course Information
Two folders are created throughout the course, a coursework folder and an examination folder. The coursework folder is developed throughout Year 10 and one term of Year 11 and constitutes 60% of the overall grade.
The examination folder is started in the Spring term of Year 11 and follows a theme given by the examination board; the folder constitutes 40% of the final grade and culminates in a practical examination held over a period of ten hours. Both folders contain an investigation of the artwork by established artists and artwork produced by the student.
Students must also produce written work exploring the theme, analysing artwork and explaining their personal response to the project.
Key topics taught
Drawing from first hand and second hand sources using a range of mark-making techniques.
Experimentation with a wide range of 3D materials and techniques, including clay, cardboard and Modroc.
Development of planning and construction skills with an emphasis upon use of materials and an understanding of structure.
The study of key themes in Design, for example, portraiture and architecture exploring these themes within the contexts of culture, history and contemporary practice.
GCSE 3D Design – Unit 1
Introduction to theme and course content. Pupils to begin thinking about how they might develop an individual and personalised approach to the wider theme.
Exploration of techniques, materials and processes.
GCSE Design – Unit 2
Teacher led workshops: Exploration of techniques, materials and processes.
Further exploration of individualised responses to the theme by the pupils.
GCSE Design – Unit 3
Personal project development. Exploration of theme through use of materials and techniques. Pupil driven development and Teacher led workshops.
GCSE Design – Unit 4
Understanding of Assessment Criteria, further development of ideas and refinement of work.
Year 10 – Food Technology Curriculum Overview
Unit 1: Food nutrition and health
This unit allows students to develop their knowledge and understanding of macronutrients and micronutrients. This section will teach students how to make informed choices for a healthy balanced diet while allowing students to learn about the relationship between diet, nutrition and health and the major diet related health risks.
Unit 2: Food science
Students develop their knowledge and understanding of why food is cooked and how heat is transferred. The chemical and functional properties of protein, fats and oils, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables and raising agents.
Unit 3: Food safety
Students develop their knowledge and understanding of food spoilage and contamination, the signs of food spoilage, bacterial contamination and the principles of food safety.
Unit 4: Food choice
Students develop their knowledge and understanding of factors affecting food choice, food labelling and marketing influences, British and International cuisines and sensory evaluation.
Unit 5: food provenance
Students develop their knowledge and understanding of environmental impact and sustainability of food and food processing and production.
Year 11 – 3D Design Curriculum Overview
SE Design – Unit 1
Full investigation of the theme. Work annotated and all assessment objectives met.
Mock exam preparation. Further development and refinement of techniques, materials and processes.
Externally set assignment
Exploration of GCSE theme for Externally Set Assignment. Full investigation of the theme: development of ideas, recording from experience, artist research, exploration of materials and techniques. Development of an individualised approach to the wider theme.
Year 11 – Engineering Curriculum Overview
Engineering – Units
OCR – Cambridge Nationals in Engineering design (J822) is designed to give the learner an insight on what it is to work within the engineering design and development sector. Students will learn how to use 2D and 3D design techniques to communicate engineering design ideas and how to design new products in line with a design brief.
R038 – Principles of engineering design.
In this unit students will learn the different stages involved in the designing process. Students learn about the different learning requirements and how to communicate design outcomes and evaluate design ideas.
This unit is assessed by written exam, set by OCR
R039 – Communicating designs
In this unit students will develop an understanding of how to communicate design ideas using a range of techniques including manual production of freehand sketches and engineered drawings, as well as developing an understanding of CAD.
This unit is assessed by an assignment that includes four practical tasks which students must complete.
This is a 10 to 12 hour assignment.
R040 – Design evaluation and modelling
In this unit students will learn how to model design ideas and test them as well as how to evaluate products.
This unit is assessed by an assignment that includes six practical tasks which students must complete.
This is a 10 to 12 hour assignment.
Year 11 – Food Technology Curriculum Overview
Two non-exam assessment (NEA)
The food investigation makes up 15% of the final GCSE grade. The investigation task tests students’ knowledge, learning and understanding of the science of the preparation and cooking of food. Students will carry out practical investigations.
Food preparation assessment makes up 35% of the final GCSE grade. The food preparation assessment will allow students to show the food preparation skills they have learnt throughout year 10. Students are to prepare, cook and present 3 dishes in a 3 hour period related to a chosen task.
The written exam is worth 100 marks, 50% of total GCSE. The written exam covers five topics food, nutrition and health, food science, food safety, food choice and food provenance. The exam lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes and consists of multiple choice questions worth 20 marks and 5 questions with sub questions worth 80 marks.