Year 8
By now students have settled into life at the Academy. Students should be flourishing as a result of the opportunities they are given, both in the classroom and through the wide array of extra curricular activities on offer.
The Year 8 team are highly focused on ensuring that students continue to build on the progress begun in Year 7. In Year 8, tutors will continue to be highly supportive but will also provide high levels of challenge to students. This is essential in preparing the foundations for future success at GCSE level and beyond.
At Noel-Baker Academy we understand the need to develop well rounded young adults who understand the world around them. To meet the needs of our youngsters, tutorial sessions will focus around PSHE, where they will discuss and investigate a number of topics including: democracy, British values, sex education & relationships, money management and keeping safe online.
Other topics will be explored including the development and refinement of study and revision techniques.