We align our behaviour systems to the three core strands of Ready, Respectful and Resilient. We expect our students to demonstrate a positive attitude to learning, showing respect and tolerance to all both in lessons and during social times. We aim to foster a positive and welcoming culture in our school, and celebrate the diversity and inclusivity of Noel-Baker Academy. Our approach to managing incidents of poor behaviour, and celebrating positive behaviour is outlined in the Behaviour policy available in the policies section of this website.
Our expectations around behaviour are aligned to our expectations around attendance and punctuality – excellent behaviour includes having high attendance, being punctual to school and to lessons during the school day. We are keen to recognise attendance and punctuality as part of our core expectations through our in-school rewards systems.
We do not tolerate bullying, and our approach to managing this is outlined in our Anti-bullying policy. We have a clear approach to developing the understanding of our pupils to cultures, beliefs and lifestyles different to their own, and how we can learn from and embrace these in our school and community. These are outlined in our Equality Statement and Objectives policy.
At Noel-Baker Academy, we want our pupils to be confident to be brilliant, enthusiastic, and engaged in their learning and activities in school, and we will support them to do this through a clear and consistent approach to managing behaviour.
At Noel-Baker Academy we have aligned our rewards system to our school values.
Ambition, Kindness, Courage, Respect and Integrity are the core of our behaviour and rewards systems. Pupils are allocated their values points each morning in registration; 5 per lesson for 6 lessons (including Personal Development).
Pupils are able to use their values points to purchase items in the rewards shop – these range from small items such as pens, pencils, and scrunchies through to footballs and skip the queue passes for lunchtime.
The values points are also used to confirm eligibility for the end of term rewards trips – which could include theme parks, swimming trips and activities around our area.
Poor behaviour however, leads to values points being removed, which then reduces the opportunity to participate in the end of term trips, or to ‘spend’ the points in the rewards shop.
In school, pupils will be given lots of information about this, and how our expectations in school are central to their eligibility for trips and rewards!