My Child’s Progress
How will I know my child is making progress?
How will I know my child is making progress?
Student’s progress is monitored every half term. You will also get the opportunity to speak to subject teachers at a parents’/carers’ evening held throughout the year.
Parents/Carers will have access to Go4schools, an online data system that provides real-time progress, behaviour and attendance data.
The inclusion team will assess and review the progress of all students with SEN at key data points in the year, this includes academic progress, attendance, behaviour and attitude to learning. The outcomes of these reviews will be shared with parents at target setting/review meetings.
The progress of students with a statement/EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an annual review.
How will I be involved in reviewing my child’s progress?
How will I be involved in reviewing my child’s progress?
The SENCo will have an overview of all students with SEN and will monitor their progress regularly alongside our Inclusion Team.
All students with an identification of SEN will have a target setting/review meeting with their SENCo/Deputy SENCo/Keyworker. Parents or carers will be invited to attend these meetings.
Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan reviews will take place periodically throughout the year. Parents are central to the planning and intended outcomes of the plan.
You do not need to wait for these meetings if there is a concern. A meeting can be arranged with specific staff to discuss your concerns.
Who do I contact if I am not happy with my child’s progress?
Who do I contact if I am not happy with my child’s progress?
Your first step should be to talk directly to your child’s PSHE tutor, subject teacher or Progress Leader. If your concern still is not resolved, you should then contact Mrs Sarah-Louisa Leach (SENCo). If this still doesn’t resolve your concern then you can request a meeting with the Headteacher.
Contact us at Noel-Baker Academy on 01332 572026
How will my child be supported through transitions?
How will my child be supported through transitions?
The school recognises that transitions can be difficult for students with SEND and their families and so take steps to ensure any transition is as smooth as possible.
If your child is moving to another school:
- We will contact the school’s SENCo and ensure they know about any special arrangements and support that needs to be made for your child and all records about your child will be passed on.
Transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3:
- A member from the Inclusion team/ SENCo will visit your child’s primary school to share information.
- Additional SEND transition days and parents information evening
- Transition day for all students to experience a day at Noel-Baker
- Transition evening for parents/carers
- Additional opportunities for parents/carers of students with SEN to visit the School
Transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4:
- Support with options
- Options evening for all parents/carers to inform them about options and courses available.
- During Year 9/10, identified students will be tested for eligibility for examination access arrangements.
Transition from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5:
- Support with options at Post 16.
- Careers interviews
- Record Sharing
All students with an EHC plan will be supported by the careers team.