NBA Online Library

Welcome to Noel-Baker Academy’s library. In the ground floor plaza of the green block you will find a world of fiction to dive into. In the ground floor yellow plaza is our huge variety of non-fiction – there’s a book to suit everyone! Our librarian, Mrs Litherland, is on hand with her expert knowledge to help you choose a book you’ll love.

The library is open every day at break and lunch times as well as after school. At break, it is open to different year groups: Monday – Year 7, Tuesday – Year 8, Wednesday – Year 9, Thursday – Year 10 & Friday – Year 11.

This is our library’s website. From here, you can search through all of the books available, get recommendations and renew your borrowed books. Your username and password can be found on your library card. If you need any help using the website then ask Mrs Litherland or a student librarian.

Happy reading!

Access our library’s website