NBA Reads

NBA Reads – Website

What is NBA Reads?

NBA reads is our morning reading programme. Each morning during inform, tutors read aloud for 20 minutes, students track the words in a copy of the book.

Tutors and tutees select a book from their year group reading library, these books are chosen to be age specific and engaging. Whilst the majority of NBA reads is spent being read to, there are opportunities to discuss key points in the book, vocabulary or context around the story being read. This supports us in checking students are listening to and understanding the story.

What do we have NBA Reads

Research demonstrates that spending 15+ minutes reading to students each day supports accelerating reading age and comprehension. In addition to this, NBA reads provides our students with a calm, consistent start to each day, whilst it also promotes a love of reading.

At the end of each book, students rate the book out of 5 based on their enjoyment and complete a review on the book.