Enhancing educational experiences for pupils

Noel-Baker Academy works closely with external agencies to enhance the educational experience for our pupils, provide specialised support, and ensure that a broad range of needs are met.

These collaborations can help address academic, social, mental health, and physical well-being challenges. Some of the common types of external agencies that we link with include children’s services and local authority; mental health and counselling services, health and well-being; special education and learning support, community and social programmes, law enforcement and legal support.

Noel-Baker Academy works closely with the police to create a safer environment for students, staff, and the community. Our Community Youth engagement team (PC Toni Williams, PCSO Hayley Orchard and PCSO Jill Bagley) attend school weekly to work closely with the safeguarding team. This allows for a triangulated approach to tackling community issues to ensure they do not spill over into school and vice versa. Their work involves:

  • Identifying and seeking opportunities to build trust and confidence between young people and the police
  • Promoting engagement with children and young people through face to face and digital forms of communication
  • Seeking opportunities to understand the concerns and issues impacting on children and young people in the local area
  • Delivering Derbyshire Police approved school inputs in line with PSHE ‘child centred policing’ guidance
  • Identifying and liaising with key partners that work with children and young people, including ourselves, youth clubs, children’s care homes and charitable organisations
  • Liaising with the Community Safety Partnership and Children’s Services to deliver appropriate interventions with children and young people suspected of committing ASB
  • Delivering intervention workshops and appropriate restorative outcomes/out of court disposals as directed by Supervision,
  • Effectively coordinating multi-agency approaches to dealing with repeat or persistent young offenders
  • Accurately recording actions and considerations on relevant police systems.
Community youth engagement web