
Welcome to the Noel-Baker Academy Safeguarding section of the website. This area aims to be a portal for all information relating to the safety and well-being of ALL Noel-Baker students.

Mr Taylor, Miss Flude and Ms Scott

If you have any concerns relating to Child Protection please do not hesitate to contact us.

Safeguarding policy

Our safeguarding team consists of the following staff:


Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Taylor


Operational Safeguarding Officer

Miss Flude

Operational Safeguarding Officer


Operational Safeguarding Officer

If you are worried about a situation and feel you are at risk of harm, you need to speak to one of the safeguarding team above.
If they are unavailable, speak to any member of the senior leadership or pastoral team. DO NOT DELAY IN SHARING YOUR CONCERN.

Concerns about knife crime?

County Lines Booklet 2021

Safeguarding During the Holidays

During the holidays school safeguarding staff are not available for support and advice so please find below some useful contacts and resources to help and support you and your children.

Who do I contact if I have a Child Protection Concern?

Where can I get support?

Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.

For support in a crisis:

Text Shout to 85258

Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

Online service from: Mon-Fri 12:00-22:00 / Sat-Sun 18:00-22:00

Contact via:

If you are having thoughts about suicide or harm you can contact the Samaritans.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Call 116 123 for free.

For support and advice about mental health, Childline can offer:

  • Information and advice
  • Support
  • Messageboards

Contact via:

Call 0800 1111

For support and advice about Female Genital Mutilation:

Contact via:

Call 0800 028 3550

Forced Marriage is a Crime

For support and advice about Forced Marriage

Contact via:

Call 0207 008 0151 (9-5pm Mon-Fri)

Call 0207 008 1500 (Other times -Global response Centre)

Email: [email protected]

Breakout -Young person’s drug and alcohol service

Contact via:

Email: [email protected]

The Space @ Connexions, Curzon House, 8 Curzon Street, Derby, DE1 1LL

Call: 01332 641661

For support and advice regarding LGBT issues.

Contact via:

Useful Contacts

We also recommend you read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and KCSIE Document.

This policy is consistent with Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children partnership web-based procedures which can be found at