Partnership between parents/carers, students and School
How will I be involved in planning and supporting my child?
How will I be involved in planning and supporting my child?
As soon as we have identified that a student has SEN, we will work in consultation with parents/carers to plan and review any SEN support. An information profile will be produced, which will be given to teachers to support them in lessons.
Parents and carers will be informed by text/e-mail/letter of any consultation evenings. The SENCo/Deputy SENCo/Keyworkers will be present at all evenings to answer any questions and further advice will be offered on ways to support your child at home.
How can I support my child at home?
How can I support my child at home?
- Promoting independence
- Supporting your child to be organised for the school day with the correct uniform and equipment.
- Checking the planner on a daily basis and providing the correct environment and support for home learning
- Making sure that attendance to school is excellent
- Attending all meetings and consultation evenings
Information about training for parents/carers within the local area can be found on the Derby’s Local Offer website. Please click here to be taken to the Derby Local Offer.
How will my child be involved in their own learning and in decisions about their education?
How will my child be involved in their own learning and in decisions about their education?
At Noel-Baker Academy we value and celebrate each CYP being able to express their views on all aspects of school life.
- Involvement in reviews and meetings, including participation in agreeing actions and outcomes
- Small Group /1-1 Pastoral Support/Learning mentor work
- Self-assessment processes
- Teacher feedback
- Student Voice