Safeguarding Curriculum

At Noel-Baker Academy our safeguarding curriculum is designed to educate our pupils about how to stay safe and protect themselves from various risks and dangers.

The content of our safeguarding curriculum varies depending on the age group, cultural context, and specific needs of the cohort, but generally, it covers the following key areas:

  • Personal boundaries and the importance of respecting the boundaries of others.
  • Strategies for recognising and responding to unsafe situations.
  • Education on the concept of consent and how to communicate and establish boundaries.
  • Addressing the risks associated with internet use, including cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content.
  • Teaching safe online behaviours, such as the importance of not sharing personal information and being cautious with online interactions.
  • Defining various forms of bullying, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying.
  • Promoting a culture of kindness, empathy, and inclusion.
  • Providing strategies for dealing with bullying, both as a victim and as a bystander.
  • Educating individuals about different forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
  • Teaching pupils how to recognise signs of abuse in themselves and others.
  • Emphasising the importance of reporting abuse and seeking help.
  • Fostering a positive self-image and self-esteem.
  • Providing tools for coping with challenges and developing resilience.
  • Encouraging open communication about feelings and emotions.
  • Helping pupils identify and recognise trusted adults they can turn to for support and guidance both in and out of school.
  • Emphasising the importance of reporting concerns to these trusted adults.
  • Providing information on emergency procedures and how to respond to different types of emergencies, including accidents and unsafe situations.
  • Promoting an understanding and appreciation of different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.
  • Teaching respect for diversity and the importance of treating everyone with dignity and kindness.
  • Educating pupils about their legal rights and responsibilities, including the right to be safe and the obligation to report concerns of abuse or harm.
  • Involving parents and caregivers in the safeguarding process by providing resources, information, and opportunities for discussions about safety at home.