

At Noel-Baker our pupils are entitled to the best that has been thought and said and this covers careers learning too. All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

Careers education, information and guidance follows the format set out by the Careers Development Institute (CDI).

Here are some suggestions of how you can support careers learning in your lessons.

•Use a careers linked starter slide or video that shows how the lesson content links to a role / job. 

•Add a piece of information about a relevant career to the booklet for an activity or homework. 

•Organise a visiting speaker / employer to talk about the curriculum topic and how it links to their work.

•Organise an in-lesson presentation from an employer over Skype / Google / Zoom 

•Organise an employer to run an activity in a lesson linked to the topic. 

•Organise an employer to support a club or competition. I.e. robotics, STEM club, engineering…

•Organise an employer or education company to help run a drop-down day with challenges / a competition.

•Create a competition with an employer for students to compete in as part of their lesson / enrichment.  

•Run a club or competition i.e. robotics, STEM club, engineering…

•Run a department INSET at an employer’s site, with opportunity to take part in a tour / employer presentation.

•Arrange for school alumni to visit lessons and present to students about their career journey. 

•Take students to visit a workplace, linked to their curriculum topic.

•Highlight and provide opportunity to develop employability skills into the curriculum. 

•Attend a STEM Ambassador or career networking meeting and find out about local career events / volunteers.

•Ensure that displays have role models that are diverse and cover a range of relevant sectors. 

•Use an example to show how the topic / skills the students are learning link to the world outside of school i.e. news story, product, person.

•Use industry as an example for lesson content. This might involve samples of clothing, videos of different working environments, interviews with employees. 

•Use employers as judges for internal competitions, giving students opportunity to present ideas externally. 

•Create a display in your classroom of what types of careers link to your subject and LMI data. 

•Set up a department twitter account for students to follow, sharing tweets about campaigns linked to careers.

•Have flyers and brochures in classroom that link to further study. I.e. prospectuses, career path posters. “Where will this subject take me?” 

•Use apprentice, FE or HE role profiles or video interviews to give a context to lesson content. 

•Raise awareness of careers linked to a celebration day / week (I.e. Ada Lovelace day, Pi Day, STEM Clubs week, Tomorrow’s Engineers week)

•Ask students to visit careers websites such as as part of their learning or homework task for a subject.

•Set a homework to read a magazine article that you have found that links to the subject and discuss at the start of next lesson. 

•Set students the challenge to use 3 key words in a sentence with their parents and discuss their meaning.

•Ask students to find out how their parents use part of your subject i.e. how do they use maths as part of their job? Do they have to work with clients?  

•Show how 3 different people who do 3 different jobs use the same skill / knowledge that you have just taught.

•Identify the impact of a skill, product, person by removing them from a hypothetical situation. What would be missing from society? 

•Ask students to watch a subject specific TV / YouTube clip and review the content. They could also recommend another clip for the class to watch. 

•Invite employers to department open evening / faculty meeting to hear how the subject links to local career opportunities and further study.

•Challenge students to link what they are learning to their lives, help them to see how their subject is important to them. 

•Find out what careers / skills are in demand in your local area. Link the need for local expertise to the skills learned in the lesson. 

•Highlight where a skill / knowledge in one lesson is used in another lesson. Try and link these common skills to people who might use them in industry.