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Our uniform

At Noel-Baker Academy we have high expectations of our pupils’ uniform and presentation.

We pride ourselves on high standards and expectations and believe it is important that this is reflected in our appearance as we go about our studies.

Our school community is diverse and time has been taken to ensure that it is fully inclusive and embraces all cultures.

We expect pupils to wear our uniform with a sense of pride and purpose this will reduce bullying and stereotyping by removing expensive branded items, and demonstrates an ethos signifying a community and belonging.

Noel-Baker pupils know that they represent the academy both in and outside if the academy.

The academy has strict guidelines on dress. All pupils are expected to wear the full academy uniform, including when travelling to and from the academy. Parents are strongly advised to ensure that they supervise the purchase of school uniform and, where unsure as to the suitability of an item, they contact the academy in advance.

Consequences are issued for failure to comply with the Academy uniform policy as outlined below.

Compulsory Academy Uniform – Years 7 to 11:

Our academy uniform is:

  • Blazer with Noel-Baker Academy logo
  • School tie (clip-on)
  • White school shirt
  • Noel-Baker Academy school skirt
  • Black school trousers -no leggings
  • School tights/socks (black, navy, grey, white (socks only).
  • Plain black sensible leather look school shoes. No Boots or trainers of any description.
  • Kameez – Plain black knee length dress. Must be worn with school blazer.
  • Shalwar – Plain black narrow tapered trousers 0r school trousers as described above.
  • Abaya/Jilbab – Plain black ‘A line’ or straight design – no embellishments.
Optional items
  • Navy blue V-neck jumper (does not need to have the academy logo but it must be V-neck and must not have any other logo)
  • Plain black tailored shorts – in summer months, as determined by the Academy. Shorts must be knee length.
  • Outdoor coat

See the table below for more information and which items are allowed/not allowed.

All items with Noel-Baker Academy logo can be purchased from Uniform Direct.

Visit Uniform Direct website
Noel Baker Uniform

PE Kit

Pupils must arrive at school wearing their full PE kit on the days that they have PE.

If pupils are attending a PE club after school and do not have PE that day, they must wear their school uniform and bring their PE kit separately.

Every pupil is expected to get changed for PE even if they cannot participate fully in the practical aspects for example through illness or injury, as they can take on the role of an official, coach or helper for the lesson. All kit must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name and tutor group.

Jewellery must not be worn during PE lessons as it poses a health and safety risk and can be lost or damaged.

Compulsory items for PE Kit

The compulsory items for PE are as follows:
  • Academy branded polo top or plain navy blue/ black non-branded round neck T-shirt
  • Academy branded shorts or plain black or navy shorts – no brand logos
  • Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms – no brand logos
  • Academy leggings – leggings that are not academy leggings with logo, must not be worn.
  • Indoor trainers (non-marking sole) – must have a good grip with laces, not pumps
  • Outdoor trainers – must have a good grip with laces, not pumps
  • Plain navy blue knee length games socks
  • White sports socks for indoor use
  • Shin pads – for football
Optional items:
  • Academy branded hoodie
  • Academy branded long sleeve reversible games top
  • Plain navy blue/ black base layers / skins – worn under the academy polo to or non-branded round neck T-shirt.
  • Academy PE rain jacket or non-branded PE rain jacket in navy.

See the table below for more information and which items are allowed/not allowed.

All items with Noel-Baker Academy logo can be purchased from Uniform Direct.

Visit Uniform Direct website
Noel Baker PE Kit for web


The Academy requires all pupils to be fully equipped for learning with a homework folder, pens (black and green), pencil, ruler and a scientific calculator and a mathematics set.

The Academy suggests that pupils have a sturdy backpack in order to carry their equipment and books.

Uniform – items allowed / not allowed

The images below show the Noel-Baker uniform.  The table outlines items of uniform that are allowed or not allowed to help you ensure that pupils arrive at school in the correct uniform.

Any items which are not allowed will be confiscated by staff at any point throughout the day. These are to be collected by students at the end of the day.

Item Allowed Not Allowed
Blazer Academy grey blazer, badged with school logo from Uniform Direct

Can be removed in lesson with teacher’s permission

Tie Clip from Uniform Direct Threaded


Trousers Plain black, tailored trousers with zip/button waistband

Must allow for shirts to be tucked in

Skintight trousers, leggings, jeans, jeggings, flared trousers, cropped trousers, tracksuits, pinstripe or cords.
Skirts NBA skirt Non-NBA skirts
Shirts Plain long or short sleeved white shirt with top button and collar

Shirts must be tucked in at all times

Shirts must be worn with a school tie



Jumper (optional) Plain navy blue V-neck, long sleeved jumper or sweater Logos or embellishments

Blue or black plain hooded tops are not acceptable

Shorts (optional) Plain black, knee-length tailored shorts in summer months only as determined by the academy. Shorts above the knee are not permitted.

Logos or embellishments

Tights Plain black, navy blue or grey Any other colours or designs
Shoes Plain black sensible leather look school shoes.



Outdoor coat (optional) Waterproof material Non-waterproof hoodies or jackets
Kameez – optional religious attire Plain black knee length dress worn with school blazer. School jumper can be worn as an addition.
Abaya/Jilbab – optional religious attire Plain ‘A line’ or straight design in black worn with school blazer. School jumper can be worn as an addition. Embellishments of any kind
Shalwar – optional religious attire Plain black narrow tapered trousers or school trousers
Headscarves and turbans Can be worn for students of religious cultures. Black, white, burgundy, navy blue or brown can be worn. Bright colours – except when linked to religious festivals.
Makeup, nails and eyelashes Minimal, natural make-up

Short nails (no longer than 5mm above fingertip)

Natural colour (French tip permitted)


Bright makeup

Heavy or obvious make-up, coloured lipstick or eyeshadow (students will be asked to remove if seen)

False eyelashes

Jewellery One pair of small plain stud earrings worn in the ear lobe (must be removed in PE, Dance, Drama classes)

One watch

One ring is permitted

Any other jewellery, including chains and bracelets.

Any facial piercings e.g. septum, lip, eyebrow piercings, including plastic retainers, nose studs, tongue bars or any piercings in any other part of the ear other than the lobe.

Exceptions made for religious/cultural purposes.

Hairstyles Natural hair colour only Brightly coloured hair accessories.

Extreme haircuts, shaved emblems or lines.

Unnatural colour dyes

PE Kit
Academy Polo top or plain black/ navy blue round neck T shirt Academy branded available from Uniform Direct Logos
Academy Tracksuit bottoms Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms Brand logos
Academy leggings Black Academy leggings Leggings that are not NBA leggings
Academy shorts Plain navy blue/ black shorts Logos
Trainers Good grip with laces, non-marking sole No pumps
Socks – outdoor Plain navy-blue, knee-length games socks
Socks – indoor White sport socks
Hoodie (optional) Academy branded available from Uniform Direct Any other branded hooded tops
Academy long sleeve reversible games top Academy branded available from Uniform Direct Any non NBA long sleeve games top
Base layer/ skins (optional) Plain navy blue/ black Worn instead or over the top of academy polo or non-branded round neck T shirt
Academy PE Rain jacket (optional) Academy PE rain jacket or non-branded PE rain jacket in navy. Jackets that are not Navy.

Jackets that are not sports jackets.

Purchasing Uniform 

We ensure that our uniform requirements are affordable at a reasonable cost, easily available and provide the best value for money.  Many items are available from a range of high-street shops.

Branded uniform items which feature the academy logo can be purchased from Uniform Direct:

Uniform Direct
54 Babington Lane
T: 01332 342569
Visit website

Uniform Policy

For more information on our school uniform, please read the academy’s school uniform policy on our policies web page.

Second hand uniform

We gratefully accept any items of good quality uniform that parents may wish to donate once their child has outgrown them. To donate items, please contact us or drop them off at Reception during term time.

We wash and use these items to support pupils who have attended without an item of uniform or who are new to the school and awaiting their uniform.


If pupils forget or purposely choose not to wear an item of their uniform, they will be expected to exchange an item of personal equipment (such as the incorrect shoes, mobile phone, house keys) for the correct item. This is to ensure the item is returned to the academy.

This will also be recorded on Go 4 Schools as pupils not attending in the correct uniform are not meeting our value of Respect.

Tutors will check each morning during line-up to ensure pupils are wearing appropriate uniform. There will be ongoing checks throughout the day by all staff, on corridors and classrooms.

If a student is not in the correct uniform, they will receive a sanction in line with the academy’s behaviour policy.

Read our Behaviour Policy